Sunday, January 4, 2009

Some thoughts on 2009

Ah, Darling 2008, what a run we had! The frolocking, that marriage, good friends, new adventures... well. I was slightly misty at our farewell, old friend.

But then, you know, there is 2009. She could be an odd one. So I resolve to face her head on and accept what she wants to send my way. I mean, I've got a kick ass partner-in-crime who's got my back! I gots no worries, right?

(Yes, I know, I'm the Artful Worrier. It's actually in my job description to worry...)

So for 2009:

-just a tad less worrying, ok?
-more emphasis on doing, less on thinking about doing
-lots and lots of smiles and laughter
-learn something new everyday, and write down thoughts about that knowledge
-kiss JDA numerous times a day
-cherish friends and family through quality time and better communication
-that other thing...

Ok, 2009, you're on!

1 comment:

Basil said...

You forgot "move to a place that has less snow-stranding and hooker-threatening." Otherwise, looks like a good list!