Thursday, December 20, 2007

Wet Bag!

Johann just found a paper bag next to the fridge. The bottom of said bag is soaked with something. It's time to investigate.

I'm trying not to worry...


UPDATE: The washer is leaking. HOWEVER, I was clever enough to do all of our laundry last night. Little victories, AW, little victories.

Johann and I are off to Wisconsin tomorrow. Here's hoping for decent weather!

Monday, December 10, 2007


I was trying not to. Really.

But then I woke up to a ridiculous email. It's hard enough being heir to an Anxiety Dynasty when you habitually make bad decisions. But what if you've licked that? What if you are trying to follow the rules, and it is STILL not enough for the corporate drones.


I suppose the universe is simply reaffirming my decision to move in a different direction. Those corporate suckers will miss me when I'm gone.

Welcome back, worry. I knew you'd return soon enough!