Friday, August 14, 2009

Finding a Groove

This summer has rocked.

I recall beautiful blue skies, spontaneous bike rides, new homes, revised routines, swimming and sunning and exploring. Yes, there was the occasional soul-crushing heat wave, but we mustn't fret about the little things, no?

This season I found a groove, one I really love. I'm planning on carrying it through to Fall. (FYI, Seattle is currently playing "Fall" in an eponymous show, to rave reviews).

And now, for some announcements:

My New iBaby:

Last evening, my sweet husband casually suggested we should buy me an iPod Touch. That very evening. Well, let's just say he wins huge points in the "Great Idea" category. This morning's bus ride was heaven as I enjoyed some Mad Men and african music. Not at the same time, mind you. Best commute ever.

So, why is my husband feeling so generous you ask? Maybe because tomorrow we will be buying him one of these:

Son of a gun, my man is finally getting his mandolin! We started raising funds at the beginning of the year, raised quite a bit on his birthday (thanks friends!), and now we are finally going all the way!!! Ahhhh!

And also, there is this:

Moxie is leaving on a jet plane for 5 weeks. I will listen to Joni Mitchell weekly in her honor. Bring me back some macarons, Mox!

Well, I'm off to download crazy apps for my new iBaby. Any suggestions?

Love, TAW