Monday, January 28, 2008

Oh, Cloverfield...

Johann and I had a lovely Sunday. He made some tasty eggs, I concocted a delicious smoothie. Knitting, running, cooking, just lovely.

Until "Cloverfield" came along.

It started innocently enough; I suggested to Johann that we see a movie, something we haven't done in a while. He mentioned some Oscar nominees... and I, tragically, stated "We should see Cloverfield at the Cinerama"!

We saw the 7:30 showing, and I'm just now over the nausea.

My first clue should have been the sign at the ticket booth that tells potential movie goers that "Cloverfield" induces a sort of motion sickness similar to riding a roller coaster. I had heard from some friends that the camera work was incredibly shaky, but they failed to tell me that THE WHOLE MOVIE IS SHAKY!!!

Oh well. At least the popcorn was good.

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